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"To inspire and encourage our future leaders"


Going to CADA camp not only improved me as a leader but also as a student. While many of the other schools brought a larger group of students, CVHS only had two, and although this was challenging at times, it also gave me the opportunity to meet more people and talk about more schools than many of the other students probably did. Experiencing a camp filled with people who had the same mindsets and ambitions as me only made me want to work harder in leadership, and it also allowed me to discus new ideas with my peers. CADA camp was an extremely fun experience and one that I think I grew a lot from. No matter what kind of leader a student is, I think everyone has something to learn from going there.

Indian Chilton, CVHS Class of 2025

3rd Annual Rob Warren Memorial Golf 

May 3rd, 2024  |  10:30am

Redwood Canyon Golf Course, Castro Valley

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